Ivan Netkachev
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beloved one
complete the sentence
archive of self-censorship
stopping light
automatic war poetry


interinterface: why affective interfaces are spatial machinery how they normalize and discipline queer identities
published by the Institute of Network Cultures
full text
A short essay (co-authored with Roman Solodkov) on how dating apps constrain and discipline the identities of their users. We conceptualize the interfaces of dating apps as a spatial machinery manipulating users’ flows of time, and, thus, homogenizing their subjectivities.

neural networks are dangerous, or how machines command us
published in KIT newsletter
full text in Russian, English translation

I show that AI is far from being objective, but is biased in many particular ways. Algorithms only benefit the vectorialist class, as McKenzie Wark would put it; according to Dan McQuillan, they even contribute to the fascization of the Western world. After that, I discuss some activist strategies of resitance to AI, claiming that AI should be totally transparent at any level, and that people’s councils should be responsible for the regulation of its work.

inteface between “I” and “you”: where I end and you begin
published on syg.ma
full text in Russian

A series of short autofictional and theoretical texts around the interface as a concept and as a metaphor, inspired by Alexander Galloway’s writings: skin as a body-to-body interface, vague body borders and the language of imperialist Russian classics as a corrupt interface.

how schools control our bodies, and why they shouldn’t be
published on knife.media
full text in Russian

A survey on libertarian and anarchist critiques of school education (Freiere, Illich, Rancière), as well as the existing anarchist alternatives to it (Ferrer’s Escuela Moderna, Escuela Libre Paideia).

home delivery war, lake of fire, and one clothing for all. how contemporary artists conceptualize militarism
published on knife.media
full text in Russian

This text was written as an initial response to the Russian invasion of Ukraine. My goal was to discuss the existing artistic strategies to represent and, unltimately, dismantle and delegitimize war altogether — from Thomas Hirschhorn and Krzysztof Wodiczko to Harun Farocki and Valid Raad.

what is bureaucratic language, and how to unlearn it
published on knife.media
full text in Russian

Following David Graeber, I suggest that bureaucratic language is essentially the language of violence, or a dead language. Then I discuss the artistic strategies aiming at liberating the imaginanation from the nonsense bureaucratic structures: Charles Reznikoff’s poetic reappropriation of judical language, Kenneth Goldsmith’s uncreative writing and situationists’ détournement.

a guide to generative poetry
published on knife.media
full text in Russian

An extensive guide to generative poetry: from OULIPO’s combinatorial expetiments with poetic language to Twitter bots writing haiku.

what is poetic language, and how it relates to everyday speech
published on knife.media
full text in Russian

A discussion of grammatical peculiarities of poetic language from a formal (Chomskian) linguistic perpescitve. It includes the analysis of 18th century English poetry and Sagas of Icelanders put forward by linguists Nigel Fabb and Wayne O’neil.

chronicles of digital existence: in-game photography as a new art form
published on knife.media
full text in Russian

An attempt to conceptualize in-game photography as a medium that is onthologically independent from optical media. Drawing inspiration from Timothy Morton’s writing on object oriented onthologies, I suggest that in-game photo is a representation of digital existence characteristic of software and computers altogether — very much independent of human mode of existence.